Tuesday, September 14, 2010

"civil war" the mind field... left vs. right

who am i? who are you? a comment a friend made to me the other day rang loud in my head like alarm clock bells, tweeking my nerves to this end... writting is my vent.

pillars of pride, self crowning kings and queens of their own kingdoms destined to fall when all the support beams surrounding take their helping hands away. you left brained intellectual narcissistic bats blind to the minds behind all the grand materialism you so greatly desire to claim your own. you see us as flakes, slackers, dropout losers and think us to be intellectually inferior weaker beings. who do you think made up the songs you play, books you read, clothes you wear, cars you drive, the floor plans you live and work in, the design that gives this world visual stimulation and substance of pleasure? its the artists, us right brainers...balancing and sustaining equality to all you book smart, buisness savvy, left brained pompous pricks.
i'm just lucky enough to have the understanding to see beyond myself and not be so ignorantly independantly arrogant to believe that my strengths stand for something of value on their own - that they are strengths of superiority over the rest of this dim wit race of humanity.
no, i am not the warm sun in the center illuminating its life sustaining gravity that holds this galaxy together, but we, are all but stars, planets and moons - the puzzeling pieces that fit to make this world spin in perfect orbital balance. without the forces surrounding - "our axis" we would lose. societies would sieze to function and civilization would fall to extinction.

so to all you left brained narrow minded men and women out there... please!... climb down off your lofty pedestals and open your minds beyond yourself to see and understand the world around you as in the words of John Donne "no man is an island". we as indivuals are not self-standing, self sufficient gods but we are all created equal with balancing strenghts and gifts, "pieces" fitting into this puzzel complete, we call the human race.

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